Yes people. I was reborn on September 16 @ 3:23 PM. In appreciation of my work in the previous birth, God has given me a baby boy to take care of. And yes, I can’t thank Him enough for this.
Before I start my birth story, I have a few messages to the entire whole world.
To all the guys in the world:
Never ever show disrespect towards any women. You have no idea how much pain she already has to endure.
To all the women who have more than two kids: *
I am still wondering what motivated you to have more than two kids.
To all the married women who are waiting to become pregnant:
I have just one advice for you all. Expect the unexpected.
To all the single women:
In case you have plans to get married and have kids, do not read further.
Ok. Now that all the messages are done, let me tell you how my experience in the labor room.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I was to be admitted in the hospital on Wednesday (15th Sep) at 7 PM. I did the regular pooja at home and I really had no clue what to pray. I was mentally prepared to accept anything and hence was pretty calm. I do a namaskaram to the God and then to my parents. (My dad comments that all this will not induce pain and hence to stop acting :))
So, we left for the hospital @ 6:30 PM. Once the room was allocated, the first thing I did was to have dinner at the hospital. I was in good mood, cracking jokes, making fun of the hospital idlis (Really, Why do hospital idlis make one feel so sick?), and relaxed. Nurses came and checked my BP and took me to the labor room to check the baby’s heart beat, movement and the position. Everything was normal and I waited for my doctor’s arrival. In the mean time, my in laws also came and I am all smiles and look mentally strong. (People in fact made fun that I look like a NCC commander :)). After everybody left, its just me and my mom at the hospital.
10:30 PM: The doctor arrives and injects a gel to induce pain. She comments that I am very favorable to her treatments. My ego, which already thinks that my tolerance levels to pain are high, is boosted and I feel good. I really think I am mentally strong for labor.
And that’s where the story takes a U-turn.
11:00 PM: The gel starts working real quick and I have pains in my back. Baby’s heart beat and movements are constantly monitored. My pains start increasing and I am struggling to lie on the back. The machine is irritating and I do not feel baby’s movements. An injection is given to increase the pain.
16th Sep 2:00 AM: I am moved out of the labor room to the patient’s room. I am more than happy to be with my mom. Both of us try to sleep but couldn’t. I try to walk as I feel slightly better while walking. The pains continue to increase and my mom starts praying religiously. I start vomiting and I am a bit tired. But mentally I still think I can take this.
3:00 AM: Another injection to increase the pain.
4:00 AM: Another injection to increase the pain.
5:00 AM: I am in real bad pain and the nurses decide to take me to the labor room. My back pain increases and I am not able to lie on the bed. My doctor visits and checks and tells me that I am just 3cm dilated. I think I had my first heart attack at that time. (I start calculating mentally how long it will take for me to be 10 cm dilated. 3cm in 7 hours, so for 10 cms……. And then mind stops working) Doctor decides that the progress is very slow and my membranes are ruptured. This time all my control is lost and I am crying badly. I am again moved to the patient’s room.
All my relatives arrive. My vomiting continues and I have no energy whatsoever. I try walking for some time. But every time the contractions come, I fall down.
This continues for the next few hours.
10:30 AM: I am again taken to the labor room. I am crying and shouting non stop. I am not able to stand on my own. The duty doctor examines and tells that I am only 6 cms dilated. They decide to move me back to the patient’s room. I plead the doctor to do something and take the baby out. Nothing works and I am moved to the patient’s room again.
The only thing I remember from now is that I was in pain shouting God’s names every time the contraction hits hard.
One of the nurses takes pity on me and gives me steam bath which temporarily made my back feel better.
1:00 PM: Enema is given and I am moved into the labor room. As time goes on, all my positive attitude goes out of the window. I vomit again and the entire world starts spinning. I think today will be my last day and I will not move out of this room. I pray God to ensure that the baby is fine and to take care of the baby even after my death.
The doctor comes and examines and I am 8 cms dilated.
2:00 PM: I am completely dilated and the doctor asks me to push. I try but I have no energy. In the process of trying hard, I bite my lips and blood comes from my mouth.
2:30 PM: The doctor decides that I might need some help and nurses help me in pushing. But the pain is too much for me to endure. I shout asking them to cut me open and take the baby out.
3:00 PM: The doctor decides on vacuum delivery. She tries for four times with no success.
3:23 PM: Fifth time, the doctors are successful. The baby comes out but I do not hear baby’s crying sound. I am a little worried and ask the doctors about the baby. They were all busy examining the baby. Finally, after 5 minutes I hear the baby’s voice.
Next one hour is spent stitching me up and I am again shouting in pain.
5:00 PM: One of the nurses come near me and place a package next to me. I did not even realize that it’s the baby. She then asks me to feed the baby. I look next to me and a tiny face is seen. I smile at the baby and I feel so wonderful. I feed the baby and thankfully there were no problems here. The baby then kept looking at the light. Few minutes later, he smiles. I feel divine at this moment and thank God for everything.
But sooner, the pains come back and I sleep peacefully. After some time when I moved to the patient room, I do not know why I cried but I cried non stop. My dad comes and looks at me first and we share a lovely dad-daughter moment with both of us crying. Later with a few pain killers I survive the day.
But even now, as I try to recapture the days in hospital, there is still a sense of fear and shock within me. The entire experience of pregnancy and labor has made me realize that mothers are truly God’s messengers.
* Any comment reminding me of Bhagyaraj's dialogues will be ignored. :)