Tuesday, February 26, 2013

12 O’n clock

This happened a couple of days back.

Since my son can recognize 1 to 10 pretty well, I was forced to teach him 11 – 20. (He can say A-Z, recognize all the alphabets, A for apple to Z for Zebra, names of most fruits, vegetables, animals, birds, vehicles. My readers, please please tell me if there is something else that I can teach him. Because that’s all that my brain can think of and these days he feels very bored. He is truly challenging me. :() So, now he says 1 to 20 and can recognize the same.

I was in kitchen preparing some dish when suddenly my son came to the kitchen and dragged me to the hall and with such a glow in his face said “Twelve, Clock, Twelve, Clock.” Aah, my baby boy has observed that the clock has "12". Truly, a Eureka moment for the little guy.

My son,

I have just one question for you. Didn’t you realize that there is a clock in the kitchen and it also has “12” on it?:D

Moments like these are truly my reward.


  1. Ha Ha Ha! That is so fantastic! Jai, my nephew, wants to start playing games on the iPhone early morning and I refuse to give him. This evening I picked up some CDs that should teach me French. I suppose, I shall make him learn them with me every morning until the time I start gymming ;-). Teach him 1-20 in different languages? What say? ;-)

    1. All I can say is I bet he will learn faster than you!!!! So, be prepared. :))))

  2. http://www.bothhandsandaflashlight.com/
    This is a wonderful site for resources and soloutions for parents of autistic kids .
    The dad always tries to help us out with our queries .
    Hope this helps :)

  3. This is lovelyyy! Touch wood! I hope you're all set for Mumbai holiday now :D.

    1. yeah, except that the bank balance needs to improve :))

      On a serious note, still a few miles to run before thinking about rest!

  4. Teach him days and months, festival names and so many Gods we have in Hindu Shastra, so much to learn actually for all of us :) I personally love learning, so I like this blog of urs a lot :)

    1. He knows days. He knew it when we read "The very hungry caterpillar" book. I am still thinking of a creative way to teach months. :)

      Yeah - He knows the names of Gods but mythological stories needs to be taught. I guess he is too young. I am teaching him "Lion and the mouse" now. :)
