Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 - Hard teacher

Dear 2012,

You have taught me what being dedicated mean; what hard work and perseverance can achieve; what positivity can bring; what change self-confidence can bring; what happens when I truly want something; what happens when I am focused; what joy it brings in overcoming small challenge; what life is; what sacrifice is; what selfless love means; what motherhood means.

You have also taught me that it is okay to cry; it is okay to feel let down; it is okay to feel helpless; it is okay to let your emotions come out; it is okay to shout at others if that is the only way to reach your goal; it is okay to keep the entire world shut; it is okay to let go.

You have also taught me to be thankful for those things that I have taken for granted – my body; my family; money; education and time.

You have taken me a step closer to realizing myself. Spiritually, I feel some energy is guiding me every day.

Above all, you gave me a mission to accomplish and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for also showing the means to accomplish the same.

Good Bye! You were a hard teacher.

Dear 2013,

I hope to say mission accomplished in the next 3-4 months and expect you to give me the best of luck.

Be kind, please!

Dear Readers,
"Whether we want them or not, the New Year will bring new challenges; whether we seize them or not, the New Year will bring new opportunities."
Michael Josephson
Speaker on the subject of ethics and former law professor

Accept the challenge and seize the opportunities, may the new year bring success, joy and love.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Week of milestones

A couple of days back, I looked at the calendar to realize that November had come to an end and it was December, last month of the year. I was lost in my own thoughts for a couple of minutes. It was a realization that I had actually faced every single day of this year, which I dreaded early in the year and how far my child had come. There were days I wished that all the troubles were actually dreams and I will wake up one fine day just to know everything was perfectly normal. Life is not easy that way, is it?

Well, I am drifting from what I wanted to write. This is definitely not a year-end post. This post is about last week and truly a milestone week in terms of my child’s progress.

My son,

Milestone 1:
I had blogged earlier about how you had not settled in group therapy. Well, you did settle down a few weeks back. And then I had to travel to Chennai for a week. So, I wanted to see how you would react after the break. You were absolutely fine the next class too. The next week the therapist was on leave and again I was concerned. But you were fine. And then I stopped taking you on other days and wanted to see how you would cope with just one visit per week. Again you were fine. So, I guess now I can safely say second set is also won.

Milestone 2:
You have also started enjoying going to park and can sit on a swing with no back support for 10 – 15 minutes. Clearly, your body balance is improving.

Milestone 3:
As I mentioned in the last post, you have started saying your name. Though you still make only sounds of vowels, I am amazed at how you sing rhymes, read books, and say so many words with just a few basic sounds. Of course, a stranger may not be able to understand what you say but I am not bothered. I am feeling great that all the rhymes that I sang, all the books that I read are etched in your memory.

Some of the words you say now are
…oon for moon
…ow for cow
Ow… for owl
Uee… for queen
Aah….an for orange
aa….eee for honey
ua…e for square
ou…e for house

The rhyme that you sing cutest is
“Aai  ain  oo  aaa” for “rain rain go away”

The book that you read best is Eric Carle’s “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see”

When left alone with the book, you say

“ow.. ea… ow… ea… aa oo uu ee
I ee ____________ ooin a ee”

Which is:

“Brown bear brown bear what do you see
I see a red bird looking at me”

And you continue the same until the end of the book. Eric Carle’s books are a hit in our household.

You have come a long distance, my love. I am just proud of you.

Love you loads.