Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 - Hard teacher

Dear 2012,

You have taught me what being dedicated mean; what hard work and perseverance can achieve; what positivity can bring; what change self-confidence can bring; what happens when I truly want something; what happens when I am focused; what joy it brings in overcoming small challenge; what life is; what sacrifice is; what selfless love means; what motherhood means.

You have also taught me that it is okay to cry; it is okay to feel let down; it is okay to feel helpless; it is okay to let your emotions come out; it is okay to shout at others if that is the only way to reach your goal; it is okay to keep the entire world shut; it is okay to let go.

You have also taught me to be thankful for those things that I have taken for granted – my body; my family; money; education and time.

You have taken me a step closer to realizing myself. Spiritually, I feel some energy is guiding me every day.

Above all, you gave me a mission to accomplish and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for also showing the means to accomplish the same.

Good Bye! You were a hard teacher.

Dear 2013,

I hope to say mission accomplished in the next 3-4 months and expect you to give me the best of luck.

Be kind, please!

Dear Readers,
"Whether we want them or not, the New Year will bring new challenges; whether we seize them or not, the New Year will bring new opportunities."
Michael Josephson
Speaker on the subject of ethics and former law professor

Accept the challenge and seize the opportunities, may the new year bring success, joy and love.


  1. Dear Brindha,

    May 2013 give you all that you want. Wholeheartedly I wish all your struggle to turn into success stories, and it will be my friend. Have Faith!!! and Rock as you have been doing!!! Stay Blessed :)
