Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 – Year of extremes

Last day of the year… Time to look back…

2011 to me was a year of extremes.

Watching my son grow and explore the world is easily the most beautiful thing that could have happened to me. It’s the time when I forget everything else and become a child again trying to live in his world and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. [I never knew that I will look forward to a walk down the road or climbing the stairs, but I did and it was because of my child]

2011 also gave me the confidence that I can manage home, work and baby. Of course, I could not have done this without the support of my MIL and I thank her from the bottom of my heart. But, I guess I can also give myself a pat in the back and say “Well managed” :) [ Well… no one else is going to say it. So, better let me do it.]

2011 was also the year when my brother got married. I cried after I tied the knot (as is the customary in our custom) and sincerely prayed that they should have a wonderful life ahead and I am happy to see that they are enjoying life. [But I was smart enough not to cry when the photographer was taking shots. I controlled my tears for 2 minutes. I look good in the photos. :)]

2011 will also be remembered as the year when I wanted the earth to open up and gobble me. There were days I did not want to meet or speak to anyone. I so wished I could run away somewhere and never come back. I guess this also given me a clarity to know what to expect in future.

Overall, 2011 was a mixed year with emotions ranging from – extreme happiness that make you forget the world, extreme pain in which you cry, moments when you want nothing other than total silence to accompany you.

2011 – Thank you for the happiness and the hard lessons. I hope you have made me stronger.

2012 – Hope you help me achieve my goals.

Wishing you all a happy new year and hope 2012 brings you love, happiness and laughter.