Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blogger's bane

What is blogger's equivalent of commentator's curse? I do not know. I call it Blogger's Bane. I really am stupid not to put kaala tikka on my last post.... What else could be the reason that AK started crying at the training session from the next day of my last post?

What started as crying on the first day has become shouting on subsequent days. In between he had viral fever for four days, which only meant more crying and more shouting at home. And this is the reason why I have not posted on the last few days. It has been such an emotional week for me cajoling him, ordering him, shouting at him and finally shouting at the wall (yeah, I did that!). No wonder, the trainer told me he is very stubborn.

My boy,

Please help me to help you. Try to play with all the toys around you. It's all for your benefit....

Very very tired,