Monday, June 20, 2011

9 months and still swimming!

My boy,

You have completed nine months, and by now you know that your mother will be late to record this month’s progress on the blog.
  • We came back to Bangalore last week. This time you became so aware of the surroundings that you knew that the house, people, climate were new and hence you did not want to leave me. The first day I could not take a day off from office and your grandmother came only at 2 p.m. You refused to be with your dad and I had a two hour long call in the morning. I still do not know how I survived that day. The same continued for another two days with you refusing to go to anyone else. Thankfully, the third day you were happy to be with your grand mother and play with her. Now, you are back at your best to flashing smiles all around. :)
  • Your vocabulary has improved. In addition to Amma, appa, tha tha, va va, athhai can also be heard.
  • You are not sitting with support. Neither do you crawl. The doctor wants to wait for a month before he prescribes any treatment. As for me, I know you will take your own time to do things because you are genetically tall. So, I am chilled out.
  • If you continue to bite me as you do now, I may lose two kgs in a month. And I may not be thankful for that.
  • You want anything and everything that I eat. I hope you have the same keenness a few months later.
  • But the major thing this month is I started going to office. Of course I have not started full time yet. It’s only for a few hours now. But, the way you have taken it is absolutely brilliant. I do not know if you missed me. But when I return from office, the way you swim towards me, hold my legs tight and laugh, tells me that you are happy to see me. And with this unconditional love, you are becoming a teacher who makes me understand the important things of life.

Love you,


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