Friday, August 26, 2011

11 months and a baby no more!

Hello my boy,

I am late by at least 10 days to do your 11th month update. The last two weeks have been crazy to say the least. Your GM went to Salem on Aug-13 since it was a long weekend promising to return by afternoon of Aug-16. Based on previous experience, I knew I can not manage you and work so applied leave on Aug-16. Then after second thought I applied leave on Aug-17th also just to make sure that in case your GM is late by a day, there will be no stress on me. How do I know what is in store for me?
  • I thought I was smart and have planned well. But then your GM became sick and her return was delayed by a week. So, I had to manage both work and home for the remaining two days with no help. Yet another lesson learnt…. Things will not always go as per plan. :( But then you were just brilliant **Kaala tikka**. I placed the laptop on the table, where you could not reach and worked. You were happy to play around and just crawl around as long as I sat in the same room. When you became tired and wanted to sleep, you crawled and just hugged my legs. My heart broke into pieces at that moment.
  • You are crawling sooper-fast now.
  • You just want to go out all the time. If anyone goes out, you crawl fast towards them. I understand your love to explore the outside world. But my boy, please understand this is rainy season and your mom hasn’t still mastered the art of carrying a baby and an umbrella simultaneously.
  • There are times when you don’t behave like a baby. You seem to have an opinion of your own. Like the instance when you do not want to wear a shirt and just crawl and make a loud noise or when you think you have eaten enough and will not open your mouth or when you want to play with my phone or remote or the utensils at home and if I take anything away from you, you increase the decibel of your voice. But then, I should have expected these when I wanted my kid to be born in the same month as my birth month (which is September – virgo mom, virgo son).
  • Your GF visited us this month. He came on a Sunday @ 6 a.m. You were sleeping and after some minutes I gave you milk and you drank the milk in the sleepy mood. But once your GF called your name, you just turned your head towards him, gave a broad smile and went to him. I was just HAPPY to know that you recognize his voice though he stays miles away.
  • I bring you books from the library. You don’t seem to show any interest in them at this moment and is always looking for ways to tear them apart. But I would like to continue this and read to you. I am sure someday you will start turning the pages by yourself.
  • And best of all – you say AMMA a hundred times a day and the pride in my heart and the smile in my face every single time can not be matched by anything else.
Love you loads,

Monday, August 1, 2011

Library - Here I come!!!

I registered at a nearby library on Saturday. I wanted to do this for years, but never managed to go to a library. If I wanted to read a book I bought it. Because I did not want to pressurize myself by setting a date before which I should complete the book and return.

Then why did I register this time? Because I thought may be time has come to introduce books to my baby. I found a nearby library which has children’s books too. So, I browsed their website, saw their collection and just registered for it. Its surprising how something that I have postponed for years got completed in a matter of days because baby was involved. :)

So, went to the library on Saturday, touched a lot of books and felt wonderful. :) I like the smell of old books. :) I picked a couple of books. One was for the baby – a book which had 5 pages in cardboard paper (very important if I wanted to return the book in proper form :)) with bright colours and having pictures of animals.

The other one was for me. I wanted a story book that had a few pages so that I can complete in a couple of hours and something on the lighter side. My choice was “வாஷிங்டனில் திருமணம்” (Marriage at Washington) by Saavi. Everyone who knows Tamil would know the story and the plot. But it was wonderful to read it. Some of the translations and descriptions were hilarious :) (For example, “Umbrella chillies” for “குடை மிளகாய்” and the description of “ஜவ்வரிசி பாயசம்” were too good.) I loved it.

A weekend well spent. :) Hoping to read a lot more.

Yet another reason to thank the little wonder in my life. Thanks love!!! Cheers to more fun-filled evenings with the books. :)