Friday, January 7, 2011

ஆள் பாதி ஆடை பாதி

Yesterday, I had to go to office to get my laptop serviced. So, I wear a salwar instead of my usual house dress, say goodbye to my baby and leave for office. I come back after three hours and see the baby smiling and cooing at his grandmother. I get excited. I speak to him, smile at him, make funny faces, make funny sounds and what do I get in return??

A long stare.

This continues for 15 minutes and then I give up. I then change to my usual house dress and look at the TV. He looks at me and smiles, laughs and makes all sounds.

Looks like he recognizes me by my dress. How disappointing!! :( After all, isn’t it “ஆள் பாதி ஆடை பாதி