Thursday, November 5, 2009

Eating together

I am confused. Do you eat more when you eat together with friends? No, I am not referring to those lunches, where each one of us bring lunch boxes and eat our own or may be taste others…

What I am referring to is having one big basket full of food and everyone eating from the same plate. In those cases, do we eat more?? Or even eat those items that we may not have eaten otherwise.

I think the answer is YES.

I normally don't like sweets. I have heard my mom crib so many times about me not tasting the sweets that she painfully makes on all those festival days. I did not even eat sweets outside. I just had no interest in it. (Noticed the use of past tense. :))

But these days, the story is completely different. At my office, any good news is celebrated with sweets. Now, for someone who does not like sweets, I have eaten 2-3 pieces of milk sweet, 4 pieces of sonbapodi cake, and Mysore pak this week alone. If I start mentioning the sweets that I have eaten over the month, I am sure it will be about 10 different items.

If you think I have just understood the magnificent taste of these sweets and am compensating for those lost years, wait till you read the next sentence. The surprising part here is I did not eat any of these sweets during Diwali at home and even hated them. So, what has caused this change??

I think it is because, we all sit and eat together and have so much fun, though I am not sure. Does anyone have the same experience??


  1. I know when my kids were young we, a bunch of friends, used to make them have meals together so they all eat well, and they did. We generally went to each other's places after the kids park time, and (husbands were frequently away even in those days) and made idli, dosa, paranthas, sandwiches or whatever for dinner and took them home for bath, some reading and then bed. This was followed almost regularly... sometimes for lunch also. We all noticed that friends and TV make kids eat better.

  2. oh IHM... so sweet!! just visualizing what you are saying brings a wide grin in my face :)

  3. i hate sweets too...except for icecream, but that's not really sweet mom can't stand the fact that i won't even taste whatever she makes...and so far i haven't had much sweets can't really ans the ques on your post :P

  4. @Titaxy: Ice creams can not be sweets because i love them a lot!!

    Trust me, 2 months back, I was like you. I run away when I see a sweet shop.I actually can not believe the change myself.
