Friday, October 23, 2009

Voice of the Heart

I am an instinctive person. Everything in my life is decided based on the voice from the heart than head. I choose my friends based on my instincts. In the first few minutes that I speak to a person, I know the level of bonding I will have with the person.

Similarly, when I perform an activity, I know if it will be successful or not. I know from my heart that the output will be good. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying I feel EVERYTIME. But some days I can feel it more than other days. I am not sure how I am able to feel it. May be because in school days, I loved being alone and speaking to myself that I hear the voice inside me even now. I am not sure.

Every time I am confused, I listen to my heart. To quote a few instances,

  • When I saw P for the first time, I knew he will become my close friend. Today, all I can say is I am just so proud of myself to be his friend.
  • Mine was an arranged marriage. But even before I met my husband and his parents on the scheduled day, I knew that the alliance will be finalized. And today, I am happy that I listened to my heart.
  • A year back, when I was asked to work from a client's location, my dad wanted me to reject the offer. But I listened to my heart and accepted the offer. And those days were so crucial in bringing peace to my mind.

If you are wondering, why such a post, let me tell you the feedback I received last week.

Someone told my current lead –

"Whenever she asks a question to you and if the answer does not convince her, she will never some back to you. She will complete the work herself."

I have to say – That's a pretty good assessment of who I am. But, unfortunately I am not able to accept to it fully. It's more like this.

"If I speak to you and if I am not comfortable with you or your answer, I would never come to you for anything."

Because sometimes I am happy with an honest answer. It can be "I don't know". I respect the honesty. But if I see someone beating around the bush and wasting my time or using inappropriate words or disrespecting someone or correct answer in a wrong tone, I am sure I would never go back to him.

How about you? Do you listen to your instincts? Let me know.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Striking a Balance between Individual Performance and Teamwork

This was written more than a year back. I found it in my mail archives and wanted to record these thoughts in the blog. Images courtesy Google.


The ability to be a team player is one of the most important requirements for success in today's job market. This is a distinct turnaround from, say, 20 years ago when individual accomplishments were the all-important. Employers would put the emphasis on individual performance, although getting along in the workplace and with work colleagues has always been important.

But in today's competitive environment, every organization is looking for ways to better their own performance. How can we achieve this without improving existing work process? And to propose better solutions, we need to be creative.

This article tries to find an answer to this basic question – What is the most important attribute to succeed in today's global world – Creativity or Teamwork?


There are few jobs that don't require us to interact with colleagues in a team। For the most part, we need to work cohesively with others at our workplaces to achieve the organizational goals.

Work teams play an important role in a modern organization. From software engineers who collaborate to write code to the board of directors who gather to make strategic decisions, teams are increasingly being used worldwide as the foundation of work. We know from our everyday experiences, however, that effective teamwork is not achieved as easily as getting a collection of individuals together.

The following characteristics should be present in a team for it to succeed.

  • Common Goal in mind
  • Active Participation by ALL team members
  • Open-mindedness
  • Clarity on the role of each team member
  • Support between team members
  • Support for the team leader
  • Avoidance of dominance of any one team member
  • Have fun

Even when all the above mentioned characteristics are present in a team, can we ensure the team members will be happy on a long term basis? We usually find employees looking for a change.

A team that destroys itself in the course of accomplishing its mission is no team at all, even if everyone is a team player.

This brings us to an important aspect of teamwork: the manner in which a team interacts. Dynamics play a big role in the successful completion of a project. Regardless of the ideal of reaching a common goal, every person has a different viewpoint. In a single group, one may find pessimists, control freaks, eternal optimists, and fence-sitters. The control freak will ride roughshod over others. The fence-sitter will avoid taking responsibility. The one who will suffer the most in the group will probably be the optimist, who will continually propose solutions and continually find his or her ideas rebuffed. In the meantime, work will suffer directly or indirectly in the form of decreasing interest and enthusiasm among those who are likely doing more than their fair share.

So, the challenge lies in ensuring these differences of opinion are taken in a positive manner and collectively the team succeeds. The joy of working in a close-knit team and completing the goal is unmatched.

Individual Performance

In today's world, life has become so mechanical and every one suffers from stress related problems. What is the reason for this pattern? Is it because of tight deadlines and work pressure? Or is it because of repetitive or unsatisfied work?

When we enjoy what we do, there can be no stress. Whenever there is a bit of you in the work that you do, the work will truly be enjoyable. Remember, Creativity has nothing to do with any particular work. Whatsoever you do can become creative if you know what creativity means.

Creativity means enjoying any work as meditation, doing any work with love. Be a little innovative – that's what creativity is. Innovate new ways, new means. Try something new that nobody has ever done. And you will find that you love your work because you know you have contributed a little and that feeling will keep you energized.

When a person brings a new idea, it is like fire. It kindles newer ideas in other minds too and brings fresh energy to the team.

Today we find that organizations spend time and money in training their senior management and giving each employee an opportunity to learn other disciplines in their work. What is the reason behind this? They are trying to refresh the mind of each individual so that the organization as a whole benefits.

We should try to bring this initiative in smaller teams. If any one of the team member, spends some time on proposing a new idea, the entire team will be rejuvenated and we can see ideas flowing.

Think Alone, Work Together

We understand the benefits of team culture and no organization can ignore it. The challenge remains in keeping the team members motivated and finding out new ways to refresh the minds. The mind can be refreshed only when the thought process is evoked and new ideas are proposed.

Can we think together? Every man has his own thoughts and ideas. We inherit the products of the thoughts of other men. We inherit the wheel. We make a cart. The cart becomes an automobile. The automobile becomes an air plane. But all through this process, what we receive from others is only the end product of their thinking. The creator in each man takes this product as material and uses it and originates the next step.

Men learn from one another. But all learning is only the exchange of material. What he does with his learning and how he interprets it is based on his own mind. No one should control it.

Hence, each man should think alone, express his ideas and be ready for others to express their opinion on the same. Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one where they sprang up.

The powers of the mind are like the rays of the sun dissipated. When they are concentrated, they illumine – Swami Vivekananda.

There should be variety, but that does not make us separate. Variety makes life richer.

No man is an island. To implement an idea, we need to co-operate with others. And hence a team is formed and for the team to be successful there needs to be synergy in the team. The team should work together by free agreement and each should be free in his proper function. Synergy catalyzes, unifies and unleashes the greatest powers within people. It means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

The most important responsibility of a manager is to keep his team motivated and rejuvenated. He should ensure he keeps his mind fresh and open a new idea for discussion to the team. If the team decides on a progressive change, the manager should be able to incorporate the same into the work process.

Any change will have inconvenience but we should remember that there will be no progress without change. Hence each member in the team should think alone and express his ideas. The team should then decide on the best approach and implement the same with a common goal.


If one does not love work, one is always unhappy in life. In order to be truly happy in life, one must love work.

We should never forget that the team comprises of individuals. Unless, each member in the team is satisfied and happy, the team cannot be at its best. Any individual can be happy when he enjoys his work. If you can perform your work creatively, lovingly, totally, you will have the taste of life. When happy individuals come together, the work they produce will be of high quality and the organization will truly become a great place to work.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No plan is the best plan

Sometimes how much ever you plan for something to happen, it just does not work. And then the same thing happens totally unexpectedly.

What do you call those? Life's unexpected moments they are.

Today was one such day for me.

Last month when I went to Chennai, one of the things I soooooooo….. wanted to do was meet J. She is at such an important phase of life and I was so excited to meet her. But as luck would have it, I just could not find time to meet her. Weekends both of us were busy and weekdays I had to go to office. So, the meeting never happened.

I was disappointed and told myself – "Expectation leads to disappointment".

And today morning, as I was doing my household chores, I got a call from an unknown number. Guess who?? It was J. She called me from Chennai airport and she was coming to Bangalore. (I guess she was not sure about the trip until the last moment and hence waited until she reached the airport :) ) How could I miss another opportunity to meet her??

So, I left from office early (should I say very early? It was 2:30 PM when I left :) Never mind.) and reached the hotel where she stayed. I was so happy to meet her. And we chatted for a couple of hours and I tell you, "When friends meet after a long time, hours seem like minutes :("

I think some days "No plan is the best plan, because you can accommodate anything to your schedule." :)

Take care buddy!! God bless you!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Powerful weapon :)

I had traveled to my in laws place to celebrate Diwali. I was sure there will be quite a few charges against me. So, I was mentally prepared to remain calm for anything that I may have to encounter. I had to really choose a strong weapon which will safeguard me against any opposition. And I chose this.

Let me tell you – this is truly a powerful weapon. Few instances of its usage are given below.

When someone hinted me to quit my job and "take care" of the husband, my reply was ":)"

My actual reply was – "Oh I did not know that to take care of someone you have to quit your job. Pardon my ignorance. So, will my husband also quit his job? Because I assume it's also his responsibility to take care of me."

When someone told me that I am not telling them any good news, my reply was ":)"

My actual reply was – "Oh am sorry, I forgot to say today is Diwali. Will that categorize as good news for you?"

When someone told me that the quantity that I cook is less and hence my husband is weak, my reply was ":)"

My actual reply was – "Oh is it? I did not realize. From now on, I will consider that I have two husbands and will cook for three. Will that solve the problem?"

When someone told me that I do not get involved in all the matters of the family, you know what I would have replied.

My actual reply was – "I do not consider your family as mine and please do not consider mine as yours."

Trust me, after sometime I got so used to this that when the dog (my in laws have a dog at home) barked at me (NO PUN INTENDED :)), I did this :) to the dog.

And the weapon worked so well that I really did not get tensed at all and seriously I started enjoying this game so much.

I am indebted to my in-laws for teaching me this game. :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Achievement and Success

"My mother drew a distinction between achievement and success. She said that achievement is the knowledge that you have studied and worked hard and done the best that is in you. Success is being praised by others. That is nice but not as important or satisfying. Always aim for achievement - success will follow."

Helen Hayes
1900-1993, Award Winning Actress

I just love this quote. How true is it. Sometimes even when you are not at your best, others praise you. Does that make you happy? Not me. And sometimes you give your best effort, and you are on the losing side. Does that make you feel bad? Yes but only for a few minutes. But then you realize you have fought well and that gives you satisfaction.

Set your own goals and standards................. and judge results yourself.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Time and Distance

அன்பாய் அவள் பேச,
ஆசையாய் அவன் கேட்க,
ஆறு மையில் தூரமோ அரை அடியாய் போனதடி,
அரை மணி நேரமோ ஒரு நொடியாய் ஆனதடி.

Dedicated to my friend who is getting married in November...

She sent a mail to our friends group inviting all of us to her marriage. As the conversation proceeded, one of the friends asked her for a treat and she did not reply for a few hours. So, people started inquiring about her absence and I replied - "We should wait until US sleeps, so that she could reply to us". (Her to-be-husband is in US currently) That is when I thought of the above lines. :)

PS: As mentioned in one of my earlier posts, my knowledge of Tamil is very limited and hence all grammatical / language errors need to be overlooked... :)


Friday, October 9, 2009

CEO Speak…

This week I had a chance to listen to the CEO of my company speak. If I say I was glued to him - that would be an understatement. It's been a long time since I have heard someone speak so very confidently and with so much authority. He was on the money, no mincing words.

As with every company, the last year has been tough for my company too. There were less projects, job cuts and change in policies to reduce operating costs. All this meant there was no growth last year. And hence just as we sense that the market will open up, the CEO meets every leader in the company and conveys his message absolutely clearly.

Few of the points that impressed me are:

  • Employees who did not perform were sacked. (This includes SVP and VP). I don't think there was any need to touch this point. He could have bypassed it.
    But he did not.
  • Jobs with multiple roles and not being accountable for any will be removed. Clear emphasis on performance. There will be performance based appraisal.
  • The company is divided into four divisions. There should be no employee belonging to more than one division.
  • Senior leaders of the company are also rated every quarter on different aspects.

He was successful in infusing his priorities in everyone's mind and the message is absolutely clear - He means business.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Oscillating mind

Being in Bangalore,

Under the care of my husband,

I keep thinking of you,

And pray for your happiness.

Miss you dad & mom.

When I am in Chennai,

Surrounded by love and affection from my parents,

I keep thinking of you,

And every time you say the food was not good,

I feel guilty.

Not a day passes without me feeling bad,

Thinking I have not fulfilled my role,

Either as a daughter or as a wife,

Is it the way all women feel?

I believe this dilemma will end,

When my brother really grows,

And provides emotional and physical support,

I hope the day comes soon.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Project Database

Last couple of days at office has been tiring. Its tiring not because of the amount of work, but because any information that I want is answered with the same response – "we do not track this kind of data." :(

For e.g.,

How many projects are executed in the company until now?

What is the average project size?

Can you categorize the number of projects executed as development, maintenance, modernization, advisory solutions, etc.?

How many resources are certified in X, Y, Z technologies?

How many resources you have in X technologies in A, B, C regions?

And many more…

Which has made me wonder – "Isn't it important for any company to have the data regarding their day to day operations? Especially if you want to sell your company isn't all the above questions important? Why is it not tracked?"

Seriously, if you are a software company and you say you do not have software which has the information on projects and people in your company, doesn't it sound odd?

I think there is a huge market for a product which can capture all the information about the projects executed in the company, something like a PROJECT DATABASE.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Food Quotes

Read the following quotes at a restaurant's menu card. I found it interesting.

If you are ever at a loss to support a flagging conversation, introduce the subject of eating.

Absolutely agree. Everyone has an opinion on food.

Coffee in England always tastes like a chemistry experiment.

If toasts always lands butter side down and cats always land at their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it.

ROFL :) Imagination runs wild…

I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.

I am a vegetarian because I don't like the shops that sell fish / chicken / mutton.:(

Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana. The researcher also found similarities between the two but cannot remember it.

I am not so interested in chocolates. Am I missing something?